Sacred Journey Inward

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Awakening to Your Divinity

Nine years ago, I began to receive messages from angels and other dimensions. I have lost most of those transcriptions since that computer crashed. My son kept many of them since we would share the messages through emails. This one in particular, feels like it’s important to share during these challenging times. We are on the precipice of a new world. What was certain is no longer. What we knew to be true is ever changing. What I thought was real yesterday, today has evolved into something else. I am navigating just like you… with deep knowing and certainty that a massive conscious shift is currently happening in our humanity. I am watching “spiritual” people return to some form of slumber and it works for them. I am witnessing others who are now wide awake to messages from other realms and a rooted knowing that they are here to shift the planet. It feels as if timelines are also collapsing. So here is a message I found yesterday to explain the “awakening process” from my angel friends:


You have been asking if you are “awakening?”  This term is used so lightly without true meaning by humans.  In our world we are born awakened.  In your terms, for the processing of terminology, we will explain in simple manner:

Waking is just awakening to life.  There is nothing more, or less, to it.  You are to wake up and expect nothing.  That is the beauty in living authentically.  When humans speak about waking up, or enlightenment, there is an amount of expectation attached to the terminology.  Awakening is to exceed the dream state and the illusion of expectations.  One sees the world as it is, not how your human perception creates it.  Things just are.  The dream dematerializes, vanishing into sleep.  The illusion of control, law and science melts because life just is.  Higher civilizations understand that this is the moment.  This is the only thing available.  There is no need for fear because all that exists is what is presently available to you.  Because there is no past and no future life exists as the path.   The illusion of control plays no part in living authentically.

Awakening is relinquishing all of ego and fully understanding what the great masters understood.  No thought can go beyond.  No thought can go back.  One lives the texture, minute, tastes, smells and words in the experience of the moment.  That is our living matter of awakening. 

This “knowing” is not waking or enlightenment.  This knowing that you have in your cellular memory is the direct alignment of presence.  It is the direct voice of what humanity calls God. Spirit, the essence of your divinity, guides you without anxiety and fear.  Those emotions cease to exist ever again.  In waking they cannot exist because there is no need to control the future, or regrets in changing the past.  You become aware that your life’s path was planned out before arriving into this incarnation. 

Your civilization, regardless of religions, interprets faith as a release and an allowance of quantum energy not seen, not known, but allowed.  Awakening is not work.  It is the opposite of resistance.  It is not manipulation.  In our world this is ingrained in our creation.  On earth it is now a necessity to help others to release the fears.  No one can translate it and try to teach “awakening.”  That’s ego teaching.  Spirit can guide you but can’t physically show you.  When one is ready one travels and awakes at the perfect moment. This might be as a child, an adult or on the last breath of incarnation. 

Complications in your lives are the components of humanity.  We, all beings from multi-dimensions, are interconnected with your kind.  The one way to release your “taught” perception is to completely let go.  Love is all there is.  Allowing the love to flow through life will present an open place inside where there was emptiness.  That is another part of the awakening process: allowing love to unite each person.  No hurt can exist when there is only love.  There is no emptiness to fill if there is no desire to exceed the human wants and needs.

Awakening doesn’t require you to withdraw from the world.  It requires you to withdraw from your ego.  Once awakened you don’t need to avoid humanity.  One becomes even more compassionate without allowing others to penetrate.  One cannot teach this either.  One cannot stop ignoring divinity inside which is spirit moving outward.  This is the gift of awakening.  It is a choice.  It is freewill.  It will come if one lets go.  Stopping the presence of love is the state one lives in when not awakened.  Love is not to be held or withheld.  It is an ongoing energy of the universe.  It is all there is.

We thank you for allowing us to participate in your growth.  (2/20/2013 channeled at 7:05AM)

As always, take what resonates with you.

I love you,
