How Can We Find Peace?

Several people have asked me to express my “feelings” about the war in Ukraine. I have energetically tapped into that horrific act of oppression to find myself detaching through heartache. This morning reading, Charles Eisenstein’s essay, The Field of Peace, ( I am more aware of why it’s hard for me to just send prayers alone from here.

He writes: “If you care about Ukraine, please join together in generating a coherent pscyho-political field of peace. Prayer by itself will not generate that field, but it can firm one’s intention to hold peace and compassion in all relationships. Every time we let go of self-righteousness, we strengthen the field of peace. Every time we resist a call to arms, every time we put ourselves in another’s shoes, every time we act from the knowledge that we are not separate, every time we look for someone’s humanity and divinity when it hurts, we tilt the course of distant events into alignment with those choices.”

I agree with Charles. Prayers alone do nothing. We need drastic measures to help salvage or turn what is to happen. We have several leaders playing a destructive chess game that have billions waiting for results. If we look back in history we can actually see when all of this began to show up while we were kept busy with other world matters. Nothing happens just like that. It is planned out. It is put into action when the territory is fertile. 

A few months ago, I remember seeing in meditation that the pandemic would be a secondary issue in our global affairs. I felt that we would be opening right up in the midst of another world event. And, to be honest, the world economy is affected by every action and reaction. The stock market gets wobbly. The gas prices go up. Trading and materials go scarce, and so on. The rage that is appearing in the collective is heavy. This is a massive boil ready to explode.

So, how do we tilt the scales? How do we help heal these energies? Peace doesn’t just show up. I agree that shifting the energy helps stabilize the narrative but this war has been coming for some time. If it wasn’t with the Ukraine, it would be with another country. We have been working up to that for years. The collective has been divided, oppressed, manipulated and rejected.

And, that is the secret weapon, right? The fear! As long as we stay in that lower vibration of fear and chaos, the world leaders can control everyone by making them feel as if safety is in their hands.  

We must work towards peace by being part of solutions. They need to be drastic. War is never, ever, the answer. It is a vehicle for causing major fear and negativity in the hearts of many. It’s not easy to sit back and feel safe during these times. There is more happening behind all of this. Do not believe everything you see and hear without questioning? It is time we tune into our inner guidance. It’s also a time to connect with our communities. It IS time to stand in your divine wisdom.

Charles’ message concludes: “How we act is a claim on human nature and a declaration of what is possible. So let us pray for peace, yes, in preparation to be peace ourselves. May we look first for the humanity and divinity of all we meet. May we be free of all vestiges of the habit of organizing the world into good guys and bad guys. May we see and cease our own role in the creation of enemies. May we believe so strongly in the possibility of compassion of others that we become a walking invitation that calls it forth into reality. And finally, as we live this prayer, may we see it reflected in global events. In fact, let us insist that it be so.”

I love you. I am sending so much love and compassion into the world. It’s not enough to pray for peace out there if we don’t hold peace in ourselves. We are constantly co-creating our realities and we need to be mindful of that. Those outer struggles become ours. These moments bring up major issues in our psyche that bleed into our close relationships. Change is coming and we must be ready for that. Let’s be kinder, more loving, deeply supportive. And, let’s also be vigilant in shifting the world and the energies. Fear is contagious, but so is love. Stand for what you believe. Speak your truth. That’s how we find balance.


 “It isn’t enough to talk about peace. One must believe in it. And it isn’t enough to believe in it. One must work at it.”   ~Eleanor Roosevelt