Happiness Challenge for February


I was reading Scott Stabile’s delicious book, Big Love, this weekend. I engulfed it. He shared that a few years ago he made a challenge on his page for February called The Happiness Challenge. The questions he asked were:

“What is one thing you will do every day in February that serves your happiness and well-being? What one thing will you do, every day, that speaks to your willingness to take care of yourself?”

This can be 10 minutes… to however long. It got me thinking. I will challenge myself to dance at least 15 minutes each day.

I used to dance a lot. I stopped many decades ago.... But the last few months I’ve been dancing around the house, in the shower, in the car (yes moving slowly in my seat), outside in nature, especially during the full moons. I’ve been dancing and remembering what it feels like to lose myself in music and let the songs guide my Puerto Rican body to do what feels natural. This middle-aged woman can still shake it. Who knew?!

What will you do that you haven’t done in a long while, or wanted to do and never tried?

It’s the month of love. Love yourself fiercely. Let’s motivate ourselves to truly embody self-care for 28 days. It’s a short month. Do things that bring you joy that you always put aside. It’s time. We can do it!

As for the month, don’t forget to sign up to sign up for more blogs, newsletters, classes, and my free book, Ballerina in a Bottle.

Sending love to all!
