Life Changes and We Must Go On

(google image - author unknown)

Some folks believe that true strength lies in hanging on. Hanging on to things tightly. I believe strength also lies in knowing when to finally let go of the things that no longer raise you to the highest form of love. Those things that tie you down do not have to be forever.

Life is fluid!

In the deepest part of consciousness we are moved through the energy of love always pushing and pulling the universal strings of humanity. There is nothing else. We need reminders of the simplicity of it all!

You can always love from there or from here. It is a lovely truth: To love one another without expecting to morph into one belief, idea, thought and experience. Ultimately, the light that guides us is the one which lifts us to Divinity.

I believe, especially right now through these uncertain times, that we can shift back to this very moment of love. I know we can. I believe in you. I believe in what you believe to be true for you. I don't have to agree. But, I know you are coming from your own perspective and experiences. We choose every decision based on our life and internal knowings.

It's not wrong.

It's not right.

It just is.

Let's stop the division. Let's stop the insane and inhumane lack of kindness. This is how we will return to love over and over. This is how we will shift the collective to truly find forgiveness, compassion, and a new way to live together in harmony.

Life is constantly evolving and shifting and morphine into a new beginning. We must let go of the past and move on.

I see you. I hear you. I am you. I love you.


Millie AmericaComment