Real Beauty in You
Essayacceptance, body image, cellulite, curves, love, love your body, mind body and spirit, self-loathing, self-love, society, superficial, weight, wrinkles
Body Talk
Poetryawareness, beauty, body dance, body image, body talk, compassion, deep emotions, divinity, health, humanness, imperfections, letting go, love, lovers, mental-health, mysticism, relationships, romance, spirituality, sponge, stories, union, unity
Embrace your Fabulousness
Essayacceptance, allowing love, authentic self, awareness, beauty, body image, compassion, consciousness, deep emotions, fabulous, fears, gorgeous, humanness, inspirational writing, letting go, love, Marianne Williamson, mental-health, mind body and spirit, negative talk, psychology, relationship, relationships, self-love, society, stories, talented, traumas
I Wasn't Me
Essayacceptance, authentic self, awareness, beauty, body image, compassion, confidence, conscious awareness, divinity, judgment, letting go, living in the moment, looks, love, mental-health, mind body and spirit, old self, opinions, presence, psychology, self-love, spiritual writing, universal wisdom, worth