The Magic Universal Substance

There is an eternal essence that flows within all belief systems. The common sacred element that religions share is the fluidity of the greatest substance on earth: water. We come from water.  The majority of our physical body is embodied by it. We require its purification, its thirst for clarity, and its physical necessity to survive. But water is deeper than this. It holds a divine wisdom that ties all beliefs together. From birth to death, water is that substance that binds us at its mercy. 


In most religions water is used as a ritual in purification. In Christianity, it is used for Baptism as a sacred ritual of holiness and communion. In Judaism, it is used in Mikveh which is a ritual washing of several purposes (as before Sabbath and after menstruation). In Sikhism, water is used in the making of Amrit which is a Baptism-like initiation into Khalsa. In the Muslim religion it is a requirement to wash with water before entering prayer or handling the Qur'an. In Hinduism, water has a special placed since it is believed to have spiritually cleansing powers. In Buddhism, is used for temples and for the sacred ritual of drinking tea.


What all these religions and others share is the common belief that water is of importance in striving to attain purity. Here are some examples of religious texts that mention water:


Koran 5: 7/8 "O you who believe, when you prepare for prayer, wash your faces and your hand to the elbows; rub your head and your feet to the ankles."


A text from the Tao Te Ching states, “The highest goodness is to be like water. Water benefits all the Ten Thousand Things, yet does not compete. Water will go to the low places everyone despises and be content.”

Jesus answered, “Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God without being born of water and the Spirit.” ~ John 3:5

“But those who drink the water I give them will never thirst.  Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” ~ John 4:14



There is no doubt that we are sustained by water and all the spiritual meanings it has acquired from myths to religions. It holds tremendous significance. Think of Noah and the Great Flood and how evil was wiped out by water. What does water mean to you? How do you feel when you are around it? Do you feel the serenity when walking along the beach? Can you feel peace when you are sitting by a lake? Do you feel recharged after a hot shower? It is emotional, just like when we release the water of tears. It is magical as you cannot hold on to it in your hands for very long. It takes the shape of anything that holds it. It freezes and it heats in varying temperatures. It's mystical and mystifying. We use it for cleansing, rituals, eating, drinking, and beauty. Water controls the environment and all of our lives. And, in spite of water being ever present, we ignore its sacredness. 


Water is the trinity that holds mind, body and spirit together. It is what holds the earth, plants, humans and animals together as one.  As it flows, it is ever changing. It washes away sins, and cleanses the body of any impurities. According to studies conducted by the Japanese scientist, Dr. Masaru Emoto, our thoughts and feelings influence the molecular structure of water. During this study he analyzed water crystals and exposed them to thoughts and feelings.  He used positive and negative feelings to see how the crystals were influenced. Love became a beautiful snowflake structure. Hate had abnormal distorted shapes in its crystallized state. Dr. Emoto wrote in Hidden Messages in Water, “Water records information, and while circulating throughout the earth distributes information. This water sent from the universe is full of the information of life...”


Allow water to lift you through its divine energy. Let it wash away all your sorrows and purify you through its sacred elements.  Drink enough water to keep a healthy body.  The lack of water has shown to cause many diseases.  The human body is like a universe and in it we carry the mysteries of this incredible commodity.  The next time that you feel stressed or sad take a walk around a lake or listen to a flowing creek.  The sound alone will bring you back to a balance state. Since the beginning of time water has been the magical genie that grants us the gift of life. 


Water is the most precious commodity in our lives. I forget how my body and spirit yearn for the ocean. I need running streams by me. When my children were small (and even with the two little ones at home) I tell them to take showers when they were feeling their feels. To this day, my older sons say that when they are having a rough day they go and take a long bath or shower. There is nothing like washing away the things that hold us in stress and exhaustion.


As you move through your day, recognize all the times you come into contact with this priceless commodity in our lives. We are made of water and require it throughout every part of our day. Clean water. The abundance of water. Any form of it is what makes us stay alive. It starts with mindfulness, acceptance, and the awareness that we need to fight for it. I am mesmerized by this magical substance of life.

Thank you for being here! I love you.


Millie AmericaComment