There Is Always A Soulution

There is tenderness in time and it allows for release.  Some of our worst days teach us about strength, resilience and how far we’ve grown. 

They are needed in the duality is life’s landscape otherwise how would we experience gratitude. 

If your heart is bruised, achy, or tender go find someone to talk to. Don't bottle things in. Don't swallow guilt, shame or resentments. There is always a SOULution to our biggest issues and challenges.

I know, it sounds like a cliche. Maybe it is. But I do believe it to be true.

This may sound ridiculous but go outside. Check out the puffiness of the clouds, the swaying of the trees, the dance of the wind against the earth...but do something (anything) to get out of your head. It’s in shifting your perspective, adjusting to a new scenery, that the mind begins to reframe what’s happening.

The mysticism in our lives is created in the marriage between the mind and the heart. It's not your heart that's broken even though you feel the pain there. It's the mind that's busy finding places to adjust from loss and disappointments. The relationship between the two determines every single event in our lives.

Don't try to do it alone. Sometimes you need to get out of your own way to gather the perspective that this is all part of an illusion we've bought into during this incarnation. You just need to remember. You could try and replace the hurt with laughter and the awareness that every lesson pushes you to the edges of humanity. Otherwise we would be robots. You are not alone.

And then there are moments that you just cannot shake the sadness. You try and it isn’t there. You cannot force joy when you feel broken. Life is not a one-size-fits-all platform.

Life is fluid and there are waves of hardship, and periods of calmness. That polarity forces us to take notice of what is real and what is not. Gratitude is a secret key to adjusting the extremes!

When I feel like I can’t handle one more thing in my life, I retreat. Basically, I go into hermit mode. I pay attention. I listen. I step outside of myself without judgment (cause let’s get real… I am dreadfully hard on myself at times). It’s in that space of quietude that Guidance/Spirit speaks to me. I pay attention to the synchronicities.

I hold conference meetings with my guides, angels, ancestors, and God out loud. I get firm with them. I ask and expect nothing less than their full attention. Then I listen. My higher self steps in and the SOULution appears. It may not be what I expect, but it is always what I need.

Darling, you’ve got this. Make time for you. Go talk to someone. Reach out to others. Mostly, recognize that you determine what goes through your mind every minute. It’s a matter of having a massive shi(f)t.

I love you,

Note: If you need further help, you can schedule a session with me. I won’t have the answers, but together we can navigate the mucky waters.

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