Your Spiritual Truth


You are not alone. You are not alone in being judged, scrutinized or rejected for being you.

I tend to live in a tiny bubble of love. I don't know how else to describe it. I don't pay too much attention to what is going on out there. This is not wrong or right... it's just who I am.

Now, come sit next to me and I can feel you. Do a video chat with me, I see your soul. Call me up in the midst of chaos and I can pick up on what feels out of balance. Text me with a few words, and for whatever reason, I can tune in to your essence. We are that connected. But, otherwise my world isn't that exciting because I don't do the drama of what happens out there.

Maybe it's labeled as "crazy" since I do have a special connection to Spirit and Source. You do too. We all do. I don't know where mine came from, or why I got so freaking lucky, to have a gift I tried for decades to return and avoid. Maybe it needs to feel like something bad or evil for others who don't really know me. It's okay! Those days of keeping quiet so you don't get rubbed the wrong way, or you don't judge me, are gone.

Here is what last year taught me: my spiritual body will no longer stay quiet for your comfort. I love you from here. I love you from there. Whatever makes you uncomfy... let's figure it out together, or not. But, most likely it has a lot to do with your own perspective if we don't know each other.

Be you, boo! Step into your divine truth. Stop walking around dodging what others think of you. Life is too short for nonsense. Life is too long for regrets. Darling, you aren't here to make the world happy all the time. You ain't chocolate, coffee or pasta. You are a human BEing navigating some incredibly historical times. It's not by mistake you are here right now. It's by design!!!!

You got this! I love you, so please love yourself fiercely.
