Descending into Ascension
Poetryascension, compassion, consciousness, descending, divinity, Ego, embodiment, God, humanness, letting go, life, love, meditation, metaphysical, mind body and spirit, mystery, mysticism, parallel universe, prayer, self, spirituality, stories, surrendering, truth, universal awareness
Elevated Vibration
Secret to life
New dawn
Make Your Life Powerful
Threads of Humanity
Poetryconciousness, connection, divinity, eclipse, energy, explanations, humanity, inner light, love, religion, silent conversations, smiles, spirituality, string theory, unity
Things you choose to see
Poetryawareness, children, consciousness, happiness, joy, letting go, love, mother, presence, stories, surrendering to the moment
The Us
Poetryacceptance, allowance, depth, holding love, humanness, husband, letting go, love, mind body and spirit, relationships, safety, security, sleep, snores, understanding, whispers, wife
Paint Me like This
Poetryart, arts, awareness, bright colors, canvas, compassion, composition, God, illustration, letting go, love, missing, open heart, relationships, spiritual poetry, stories, turpentine, writing
Sparkle Onward
The Truth of You
Mystical Dreams
Poetryconsciousness, country, creek, deep thoughts, dreams, emotions, forest, gypsy, hammock, humanness, journal, jungle, meditation, mountains, nature, nature poem, outdoors, outside, relaxation, rest, retreat, self-love, sleep, stories, trees, valley, waking dreams, water, wind chimes, woods
No Regrets
You create...
You don't have to answer
Poetrycuddles, darkness, drifters, embrace, intimacy, kisses, letting go, love, love poems, relationships, romance, sailing, sensual, Skin, stories