Poetryacceptance, awareness, esteem, existence, lessons, letting go, love, mind body and spirit, motivation, poetry, psychology, release, self-love, self-worth, source- spirituality, spiritual growth, whispers
Listen to Your Soul
Essayawareness, connections, consciousness, death, divinity, God, higher self, intuition, Kia Soul, knowing, lessons, letting go, life, listening, love, metaphysical, mind body and spirit, perception, psychology, soul, spirit, spirituality, stories, whispers
The Us
Poetryacceptance, allowance, depth, holding love, humanness, husband, letting go, love, mind body and spirit, relationships, safety, security, sleep, snores, understanding, whispers, wife
The Inkling
Essayacceptance, awareness, connections, consciousness, divinity, inkling, inspirational, intuition, journey, love, metaphysical, mindfulness, resisting, spiritual writing, truth, whispers