Listen to Your Soul

soulOn Friday morning I got to work super early. We had a giant mess to put back together because of moving. At around 6:30AM I loaded up three drawers of a huge file cabinet, when I sat to fill the bottom drawer, the file cabinet collapsed on my back, pinning me to the floor on my stomach. I began to laugh. It was a nervous laugh that happens when I know I am stuck in a bind. I knew no one would be in for several hours. I laid there thinking, "Okay, this is not a fun way to go...someone will find me along with messy bodily fluids." I could imagine the jokes that would come from how Millie passed on! I began to laugh harder, at which time, I couldn't get my strength because I just felt so silly. Then, of course, a little bit of panic started to creep into my thoughts. "Like, oh my God, this is no way to go. How long before I stop breathing? And, shit, I shouldn't have had all that coffee cause I have to pee."Suddenly, I heard a clear voice, that voice that comes from the cosmos with no accent and complete assurance, "Listen! Get a new soul." Then I thought, "Oh well, here we go again. I am about to die and get another soul. Nope, I won't come back! I am done! I ain't having it. I am not coming back to this earthly thingy called life. Hell, no...this is it." I am actually whispering this back out loud. Again, the voice, said, "Listen! You will have a new soul."After some heavy breathing, jiggling, and strength that came from I don't know where, I was able to get out from under the cabinet and actually stand it up. I recognized then that the floor was really uneven, and had I actually paid attention, nothing would have happened to me. But, then I wouldn't have been guided by the magical voices...because it takes all of me to be pinned and shut down in order to really listen to guidance. I have to be put into a difficult health situation in order to listen to the Universe.Miraculously, other than a scratch on my arm, I had no bruising or broke anything. I say that because it was a miracle. I worked the rest of the day, still thinking about the voice. But, I got busy and forgot about it until 2AM Saturday morning. It was then that I recognized that maybe I did need a new soul. Maybe it was time to go see what a new soul would cost me. The maybe became quite a certainty!I haven't had my own car in years. My husband and I have been sharing one. I got up Saturday morning, dressed our little girl, and drove to the Kia dealership. It was 9AM and 11 men (I counted them cause it's very intimidating to see who will attack first) were standing waiting in a sea of sharks. I made eye contact with the oldest one I could find. I knew he would listen to me. We introduced ourselves. I told him what I wanted: "I want a Kia Soul not older than 2 years old, with the least mileage and will pay X amount!"He proceeded to try and sell me another car. I once again, looked into his eyes, and said, "Let's start all over again. My name is Millie, I am here to buy a Soul....I am not interested in anything else." He listened. He explained that with what I wanted it would be difficult to find something in that lot. I laughed. I told him I would be leaving with a Soul, whether it was in his dealership or another, and that I believed that if he checked in his computer there was one car that fit all my needs. "It will be a miracle," he said to me.I answered, "Well, I hope you believe in them, cause I am driving a new soul out of here today."Now, you can imagine the rest of the story. This is not my first rodeo. I have bought many cars. It's a game of pull and push for me which I truly enjoy with zest. It's a game I actually play very well. I might not be good at many things, but buying a house or a car are on top of my talents. The manager came to talk to me, trying to intimidate me, to which I kindly answered, "Darling, you aren't doing me a favor by selling me a car. I am doing YOU a favor by buying one here. You have a lot of 2015 sitting out there. You need to move them. Here is a list of all the other dealerships with the car I need." That made him go back and forth a few times. They, miraculously, met all my needs and beyond. The little old man was shocked and shared that he had never seen anything like what he experienced. He began to share about losing faith. He told me a very personal story, eyes watering, and told me that I had made a believer out of him. He just couldn't understand why he had lost his way. His story is one of many we hear everyday about financial struggles, losing everything, addiction, and so much more. I am always surprised at the things total strangers share with me. Almost like a confessional before they die. It's astonishing. But, a miracle did appear that day. He saw it because to all effects, there was no way in hell anyone should have sold me a car without money, and a not so great credit, and with the amount that I told them. I told him that the logistics didn't matter to me because I knew I would have a soul to drive home in.When the Divine speaks at times it is humorous. You can either take it literally or figurative. I have learned to stand back and allow Spirit to guide me. Whether it's a new soul or's pretty amazing the way that things unravel if you just take time to listen and follow the magic because your Higher Self is always watching out for you!