Love is All
Body Talk
Poetryawareness, beauty, body dance, body image, body talk, compassion, deep emotions, divinity, health, humanness, imperfections, letting go, love, lovers, mental-health, mysticism, relationships, romance, spirituality, sponge, stories, union, unity
Scoop me Up
Poetryallowance, deep awareness, Divine, intense love, intimacy, letting go, love, love poem, missing, open heart, romantic, scoop
Missing You...Always
Poetrybelief, death, grace, grief, loss, memories, mental-health, missing, mother, parents
Returning to this World
Poetrydeep emotions, illusions, journeys, lessons, love, memories, memories of another life, nature, outdoors, poetry, quiet whisper, returning, travel, world
Infinite You
Light of Divinity
Poetryawareness, beauty, compassion, deep emotions, Divine, experiences, faith, God, holding love, humanness, inspirational writing, journey, lessons, letting go, life, love, metaphysical, nature, poetry, religion, science, spirit, spiritual, spiritual awakening, spiritual growth, spirituality, surrendering
One of Spirit
Poetrydeep awareness, divinity, experiences, faith, God, holding love, humanness, inspiration, inspirational writing, journey, lessons, letting go, life, love, metaphysical, relationships, spirit, spiritual, spiritual growth, spiritual writing, stories, surrendering
You Are Magic
State of Grace
Poetryawareness, beauty, deep emotions, divinity, experiences, faith, God, grace, holding love, home, hope, humanness, inspiration, letting go, meditation, nature, relationships, spirit, spiritual poetry, spiritual writing, spirituality, stories, universe, winter
Morning Prayer
Poetrydeep awareness, divinity, God, letting go, life, love, meditation, prayer, silence, spiritual poetry
Snug to Perfection
Poetrybeauty, compassion, coquette, deep awareness, essence, experiences, faded jeans, freedom, gloomy day, growth, holding love, humanness, intimacy, journey, lessons, letting go, love, love poems, missing, relationships, romance, seduction, snuggle, soul mate, stories, travel, true love, turtle neck sweater, union
Poetrybeauty, deep emotions, falling in love, gentle soul, holding love, humanness, inspirational writing, intimacy, letting go, life, love poems, relationships, romance, stories, true love
Poetryacceptance, compassion, deep awareness, deep emotions, divinity, experiences, faith, forgiveness, freedom, God, growth, humanness, inspirational writing, journey, learning, lessons, letting go, love, lurking in the shadows, mental-health, nature, peace, psychology, relationships, religion, self-love, self-worth, spirit, spiritual growth, spirituality, stories, surrendering, true love, truth
No More Betrayal
Poetrybetrayal, divinity, Ego, forgiveness, freedom, lessons, letting go, love, spiritual growth, survival
The Connection
Poetryawareness, beauty, cautiousness, creation, deep emotions, effortless control, eloquence, experiences, holding love, human connection, humanness, inspirational writing, journey, learning, lessons, letting go, life, literature, nouns, poetry, relationships, spiritual growth, stories, words, writing
Poetrybeauty, deep emotions, Divine, divine wisdom, divinity, experiences, faith, God, humanness, inspirational writing, journey, learning, lessons, letting go, love, meditation, metaphysical, quiescence, relationships, silence, spiritual growth, spiritual poetry, spirituality, stories, surrendering
Life is
Poetryawareness, beauty, experiences, fingerprints, growth, holding love, humanness, intimacy, letting go, love poem, missing, nature, relationships, romance, stories, surrendering, true love
The Very Thought of You
Poetryawareness, boundaries, communication, connections, deep emotions, experiences, hope, humanness, intimacy, lessons, letting go, love, memories, mind body and spirit, missing, relationships, romance, stories, true love