Infinite You

infinite wisdomSometimes out therein the middle of your storythere is a truththat only you can witness.No matter how hard you press,peel, shake or rattleno one can hear or tastethat which livesdeeply rooted in your heart.And in those moments,when lonelinessvisits and extends intoan unwanted vacation,your truth is testedagainst the will of reality,tangled into what isperception andwhat is spirit.How much do you needor want to be heard?Is it ego that dictatesthis knowledge?What lies in that importanceof the acceptance from others?Wisdom comes when you let go,surrender to what is not,and freedom from divinityarrives releasing…it is thenwhen peace embracesthe light ofeverything you areand everything youcan ever be--that which has no labelsof truth or the validityof the infinite You.