You, Me, Outside

friendsThe beauty of morning,peeks through the blindsenticing me,inviting me,to join the world outside.You look over at me,a puzzled frown,too early to be jumpingup and down,mimicking the birdsand dragging sheets off your body.“Less enthusiasm, please!” you moan.I know it’s early,but the ducks are flapping away in the pond,fish are waiting for their bread,birds want their sunflower seeds,squirrels are in line for the remnants,hummingbirds want their juice,deer want their corn…come on, let’s go play!I know.  It’s silly.I’m too much this earlybut we woke…we get a new start,a clean slate to do over,the ability to recharge our dreams,another kiss from God.Come, let’s play!I’ll put on my shoes,double knot the laces,meet you by the creek,so we can hike up the mountain,watch the sun enter the world.Come, push me,swinging me to the sky in your arms,and I will wait for you down the slideat the playground in the woods.It is after alla new life,another day,the beginning of the journey.It’s you and me and themborrowing this air,breathing for now,living the only moment leftto play with the Divine.