A Scavenger Hunt

little boyLet me take you thereto that place in the meadows,the corner of the world,where you can becompletely YOU.Let’s run in and outof the maze of illusionand find truthin this scavenger hunt.Don’t be afraidof the darkness in your thoughts,they can’t really hurt youunless you allowtheir regimen to be your dictatorship.Come!Come to that place of peace.Let me in and togetherwe can findSerenity sitting by the waterready to push you into find what Authenticity looks like.We can fish out Grace,Truth, and Hopeto add to the listof invaluable commodities.And, when we are donethe quest would have beena playful actof moments intertwinedto make your life even richerby creating a life of joy. “Searching is half the fun: life is much more manageable when thought of as a scavenger hunt as opposed to a surprise party.” – Jimmy Buffett