Expansion of Love
I now understandthat disappointments,losses, and heartachechisel compassion in my being -an egoless kindness of supportthat wasn’t present before,guiding me to some powerful heightof humannesswhere I can see without eyes,feel without hands,and taste without words.I now know that each one of usbeats rhythmically to the earth’s yearningsif we only took some time in silenceto leave the self-universewhere everything revolves aroundthe illusion of drama, suffering, and gluttony.It’s out there;It’s in here.We are all together in this…and to become united we must diveinto the arms of the unknownguided by Divinity,fully capable of evolving from the perceptionthat pain is always constantwhile touching the hands of anotherwhose journey is a little tougherto bring comfort withthe expansion of unconditional love.