Agree to Disagree

oneworldIt’s taken most of this lifetimeto finally learnnot to judge myself based onanyone else's reasoning,insanity, judgments,ideals, and moral compass.I will never live up to youif I am going to be labeled,scrutinized and manipulated.I have my own ideas, thoughts, reasoning,rationales that run from hereand end pass your comfort zone.Please don’t hate me,rejecting and discarding my patienceas I happily tolerate our differences.It’s perfectly great that I can love youin spite of not believing in your faith,or siding with your political views,or your twisted ideas on sexualityand how “some people” are an abominationto this earth. You are entitled to these thoughtsand that’s more than fine for youbut I am entrusted with my very own core beliefs.I have collected these hypothesisthrough my journey, gathering what works for mein a basket of compassion even to the slightest judgmentcoming at me like a double-edge sword.I’m a big girl now feeling rather comfywith myself and how this new world has welcomed mewith open arms (even when you label me as insane or abnormal).I can’t stand intolerance, bigotry, ignorance, discrimination,stupidity, and faithless hatred while you stand for pseudo Christianity,holding your beliefs up with a rigid Bible-belt and hypocritical suspenders.I can say that loving you is a privilege regardless of our differences…but to you it is the in-differences that challenge the feelings in your heart.It would be a dull world if we all thought the same.The beauty of these crevices that indent every part of our humanityis the agreements in disagreeing and watching the world evolvethrough all diversity.  It’s a lovely truth:to love one another without expecting to morph into one belief,one idea, one thought, and one experience.Ultimately the light that guides us is the one which lifts us to Spirit.Let’s agree on that one point.We are the totality of Divinityregardless of your hesitationsto accept that which scares us to death.We are all forms of faith, grace, truth…and Love.In the end love should be what we can agree upon collectively!