You Deserve Respect
Essayacceptance, compassion, deep awareness, Ego, experiences, family, forgiveness, intolerance, journey, kindness, lessons, letting go, life, love, mental illness, mental-health, mind body and spirit, patience, psychology, relationships, self-worth, stories, surrendering
The Ugliness of Racism
Essayacceptance, awareness, bi-racial, consciousness, deep emotions, discrimination, divinity, forgiveness, freedom, God, grace, hatred, humanitarian, humanity, humanness, inspirational writing, intolerance, learning, lessons, love, mental-health, mind body and spirit, North Carolina, perception, politics, psychology, racism, religion, shift, stories
Agree to Disagree
Poetryacceptance, agree, bible belt, bigotry, compassion, conscious knowledge, consciousness, core beliefs, deep awareness, differences, disagree, divinity, double edge sword, earth, embodiment of God, forgiveness, God, grace, growth, holding love, hope, human-rights, humanitarian, humanity, humanness, hypocrisy, hypocritical behavior, indifference, intolerance, irrational behavior, journey, lessons, love, mental-health, metaphysical connections, moral compass, psychology, religion, spirit, spiritual growth, stories, surrendering, truth, war
The Soul
Poetryawareness, collective consciousness, connections, consciousness, Divine, divinity, Ego, essence, finding peace, God, humanity, humanness, intolerance, letting go, love, meditation, metaphysical poetry, mind body and spirit, silence, soul, spirit, spiritual, stories, the heart