The All of Oneness

onenessIf there is no battle thenthere is nothing to rupturethe current or process of movement.That’s who God is…the evolution of passageand we fight itwith our egos,ostentation,and arrogance.He is the depth of essence in everything:He is nothing because it can’t be seen,yet He is everythingin the center of the universe.Because He wants nothingHe achieves all,where there is no ego,no greed,and no impossibilities of trying.He is the shallow hollownessand the great depth within.He is divinity,omnipotence,magnificence of wonder,and the light that shines from the heartwhen love walks into lifeholding hope and faith effortlessly.He is emptiness and fullnesswithout a needed explanation,and He is all we strive to become --He is all we are whenwe finally surrender.He is the everythingin the here and there...the I AM of our humannessand the ALL of Oneness.