The ALL of YOU

spiritual moment

The "you" that you believe you are has nothing to do with your personality. Yes, how you react becomes a reaction. How you act becomes the action. But the you that you are is a soul consisting of divine essence. You get to choose the thoughts. You become those choices. If it doesn't work, change. If you can't stay, move. You are not a tree rooted deeply in the earth. You have will. You have choices. You have the conscious power to do anything. It is definitely easier said than done but start somewhere. You are the infinite you that has lived and will continue to live pass this moment. Your love, achievements, failures and every aspect of the ego have made you the human version that you think you are. But, you are much more than this. You are a super consciousness that has evolved to love beyond everything else. You are the change you crave to see in this world. It starts with the real YOU. Go do something with that. Embrace that YOU that is waiting acknowledgment. And begin to witness the miracles happen before you. You are limitless, perfection, pure Divinity and love. You are God. You are Oneness. There is no separation. You have created a belief programming that assures lacking rather than abundance. Today, know your Dharma. Remember your truth. Stop retelling the stories of the past.  They brought you here but do not make for the future events.  You get to pick the path, you get to trail blaze the future, and you get to manifest all that you want. Be the magnificent self that you intended to be when you arrived here. We are born knowing all...somewhere along the way we forget our reality. Along the process we have been conditioned to "fit in," be "normal," and adhere to to social status.  This is NOT WHO YOU ARE. You are ALL!  You are the grace of Christ, the embodiment of God, the Oneness of the universe.  You got this! No one else can do this for you but YOU! Now...go do some amazing things today with your authentic self. See how freaking AWEsome you will feel!

"Know that you are forever, that you have never failed, and that the only thing you have ever done wrong is believing that you have done something wrong." - Ramtha