Why Not?

why notI am fearless at times. I am fearful at others. But, the things that are fearful are based on emotions, prejudices, and endless questions. I follow a dream and I don't give up until I have truly hit several walls. I am tenacious that way...almost exhausting in pursuit of what I want when I want it. I don't see the "cannot's" because I am too busy trying to find the answers of "why not." The fears don't arrive then. The fears are born from the reactions of others who can't see my dream. They can't taste it like I taste it. They can't sense the sweetness of it. They cannot even believe that it's attainable. I fear the nonsense of those judgments. I fear the way I have stopped myself in the past because of the voices saying, "Give it up. That's impossible. You just can't do that! You are too old. You are this and that!" I am fearless but in the lack of "no's" there is still a small child waiting on acknowledgment from the older version of myself. I have been known to conquer some incredible things, falling hard, breaking things inside and out, and then dusting off the dirt, pulling out the scabs, and trying it again. All because I know what I know and it's my perception. It's sickening to witness my own stubbornness and relentlessness. If I believe in something, I will give it my all. I am fearless at times...in that way of achieving what my soul knows to be real. It's not for anyone else to live it. It's for me!

You have dreams. You have a million cannot's that are birthed in those desires. You have folks confirming that you cannot do those things. I am here to tell you that you can. You can do anything because all it takes is one "why not" to conquer all the bullshit of the naysayers. You can be anything you want because somewhere in that little head of yours there lives a wish fueled by passion. That passion comes from your spirit. You were not put on this existence to pass the time, pay bills, struggle and die. Absolutely NOT! You were created to come into this world to make a difference...if only for the evolution of your soul. Find your fearlessness. Find your truth. You got this and I know you have a dream waiting to be ignited!!!! It only takes a curious "why not" to get it going.