Compassion for All

compassionTwo days ago I was at a store searching for an electric blanket. I went through all the bedding aisles when a sweet employee walked past me:"Ma'am, I am sorry to bother you but I am looking for an electric blanket."She immediately said, "Oh, honey, you aren't bothering me."As she was about to share information on the blanket I held her arm and asked, "Are you okay?"Confused she asked, "Why do you ask that?""You look like something is weighing on you." I saw the discomfort and tears started to swell in her dark eyes. So I continued, "I've looked everywhere." She informed me that a huge shipment had just arrived but she didn't know if those blankets were in it.I thanked her. I grabbed both of her hands, this total lovely stranger, looked into her eyes and said, "It's okay. It's gonna be okay. You aren't alone in this. I am here with you."There, in an aisle full of pretty ruffles, sheets and other linens stood a gorgeous black woman and a Hispanic one holding onto uncertainties without really knowing what that was. For a second we were connected by our hearts and the silence that held us in spirit.She wiped her tears. I wiped mine. We wished each other a wonderful afternoon. This is what makes us human.I cried myself to sleep last night. I ached all over my spirit. It doesn't matter who has become president of this great nation. It's finally over and we can resume our lives. This election has taken a toll on so many of us. It was driven on fear and anxiety, lies, and lots of ugly disgusting energies. It has caused a tremendous rift in relationships and our humanness. It has shown the world out there that we are lost and truly broken. I have heard comments from other countries and it saddens me because I still believe in the hope of uniting every part of what this nation was built on: trust and fulfilling the American dream.I am here to tell you that no matter who is in the White House, I will forever fight for compassion, love, and kindness. I will continue to pray and light the way for whatever causes humanity requires. I don't care if you are white, black, red, orange, or brown. I don't care if you are transgender, gay or straight. I don't care if you are Christian, Muslin, Jew, or an Atheist. It matters zero to me who you are because I will continue to show up, ask you if you are okay, and disarm your pain whenever I can. We have been desiring change. This win has been powerful in the sense that something has to happen to us soon. We need to return to basics. We have been gearing up for a tremendous amount of battle ahead. This is our opportunity as healers, lightworkers, warriors, therapists, and social conscious fighters to show the world that we unite in spite of anything in our way. We will need it now more than ever. Our nation will now begin to heal as long as we can stop this insanity of who was the better candidate. This person has four years. I have to believe, in the core of my spirit, that magic will appear through all of this.I believe that a massive shift in consciousness has appeared and will continue to evolve. It's up to us to stop feeding what doesn't serve us. We are this country's heart and soul, not the President. He will do his job. But, we are still the voices of what happens. And, these voices have spoken loud and clear. We need unity and the elimination of fear, injustice, discrimination, and all the intolerance that this election has created. People are walking around fearful of the unknown. Let's replace this through compassion and understanding.Let's return to love and kindness. I want to believe that this is just the beginning of greatness. Let's stop the division. Let's stop the fear and anxiety of what we don't know. We are all here on this little planet fighting to stay here as long as possible. Let us make it loving and full of joy.I love you. I am here. You are a not alone. Have a blessed day!