Making Gracious Decisions

soupA friend and co-worker yesterday came into my office in the morning, "Hey, girl, I brought us soup for lunch. My mother made a huge pot and I wanted you to have some with me later." I was deeply grateful. Such loveliness and she's just amazing.Lunch time arrived and she heated a pot with the soup and called me when it was ready. I got my giant bowl, in full gratitude, as it smelled delicious. As I sat down with the first spoonful I saw the peas. Now, for those who don't know this, I hate peas. It's the only vegetable that I cannot even entertain. I am usually pretty graceful about taking them out but the soup was full of them. (Had it been split-pea soup I would've had no problem because they would have been blended). There, in my bowl was a pool of them surrounded by other veggies that I do like. I was so touched by her gesture that I took a giant spoon and swallowed those suckers along with a huge smile while patting my heart. The first bites were painful and I became aware of all the textures in my mouth. I tried not to gag on my own thought because it was truly a yummy soup. I was forever present in that experience. With each mouthful I gave gratitude and love to her and her mother for sharing their meal with me. I am forever astonished at how those peas stopped being an issue and I ate every bit of that bowl.Here is the thing: we might not like what we are served at all times, but we have a choice in seeing the generous heart or lesson behind it. We can pick and choose what we want out of a situation. We can respect those around us who mean well in their beliefs and choices. We don't have to like it, but we can choose to swallow it with love and light. Life is about making gracious decisions without hurting others intentionally. Life is a kaleidoscope of experiences, obstacles, challenges that join us to one another. Today is peas, tomorrow is something larger. My actions speak volumes through my reactions. And so do yours!