Today is the beginning
Today...Today is the beginning of change.Regardless of where you stand under the political umbrella or convictions, we can all agree that change is coming. For the past few months we have witnessed friends and family battle their beliefs with hate and nastiness. Social media, the news, and other forms of communication have used this election as a means to cause fear and hatred across the world. I have been shocked and appalled at the many who have chosen to discard a friend because of his or her political choices.But, isn't this country made from diversities? Aren't we here as a melting pot of cultures, beliefs, ethnicity, and differences? Isn't it in our adversities that we resort to greatness? This country is not black or white. It isn't left or right wing. It isn't made up of one choice or religion or group. It's made up of gray areas such as me, a Hispanic woman, or my children who come from Europe and have all shades of skin colors. Or, some of which are gay and others who suffer from mental illnesses. I believe we, as a whole, complete this nation. Until this election I had never, ever, witnessed such tremendous division in our country. And, today, I wonder what makes America great?It's the compassion we share. It's the humility we exude. It's in helping others, here and outside the country. It's in forgiving. It's in the lessons we learn from others who aren't like ourselves. It's in altruism, empathy, and kindness that we make this country one of the greatest in the world. It's in the people who fill every square inch of our boundary lines in a map that make the United States of America a union.For eight years I heard, read, and witnessed a million comments about our President. Some I took rather personally, others I learned from. But, what I found was that in spite of the hatred and opinions, we had a pretty successful course of events. No one is perfect and neither was his administration. He truly endured a legacy of anger and discord. Anyone who goes into that office has to have thick skin. And here we are again. In another four years we will be right back here arguing and fighting our beliefs.Here is what I know to be true: We are a nation united by its citizens from all parts of the earth. This new President was elected by this country. There is no doubt that division has been seen loud and clear. I hadn't a clue, in my oblivious hippie state of being, that we had been so suppressed by anger, bigotry and hatred in this nation. News to me! However, it's out there now. The lack of understanding and accepting is astronomical and perhaps daunting. It's disturbing to experience all this fear and anger that is being passed on to the younger generations.Trump is a powerful lesson for us all. Whether you voted for him or not, he is going to be a clear starting point for this nation to start healing from years of keeping quiet over prejudices and bigotry. Religious groups have spoken and I feel it is time to take notice that the division is being magnified throughout the world. We must stand together in spite of what we believe. Together we stand, divided we fall.I only hope that those protesting can do it in a quiet and sensible manner. That those who are mourning for this change can heal from the disappointments. That others who are yelling and rubbing their victories can also learn from diversities. I ask that we join together in sending this new leader healthy and compassionate vibes because he will need it. We are being instructed to stand together in something powerful of a historic phenomenon. It won't be easy and those who think that victory has concluded will see many incredible changes that will make them question their choices and faith. Today is the beginning.It starts here with us...with the black, white and gray. We make this country a privilege to live in. We are learning from each other how we act and react. Let's do it civilized and with optimism. Those who are heartbroken, I feel for you. I understand. I also believe that in this space and time there is work to be done in many facets of our evolution. In our spirituality and beliefs we hold the key to this great change. What an opportunity to utilize all that we know as healers, lightworkers, and spiritual trail-blazers! No other time in history could we have been given such a tremendous challenge to show how love and forgiveness can transform the world. Our hope, our desires, and our hearts can turn challenges into miracles.God bless America and all its beautiful souls! I love you.