Purest form of love

joyThe magic of love is in its purest form. A smile across the room, a hug from a child, an ‘I love you’ from a friend, and a cuddle from a pet. The simplicity of a gesture, a look, and a touch is the Creator connecting with us through one another. It’s that authentic and natural. Keep a tally of daily gratitude: “The sun came out today. The cold is less severe. I have heat, shelter, and food.” Love comes through the light in everything around us. Close your eyes for a few minutes and take in the present. You are alive. This is temporary. Will this issue today matter in a year? We are forever evolving, growing and learning. You are always loved. I love a quote by Aristotle: “The secret to humor is surprise.” The single most wonderful feeling is allowing life to surprise you every day. Those are the miracles of the ‘aha moments.” Have a blessed day!