Return to Our Core

I sat with a client at a doctor’s office this afternoon. She has I/DD (intellectual developmental disabilities). We sat in silence. At some point I reached for her hand on the sofa and squeezed it gently. No words. No pull. No push. I just held her hand until her fingers found a way to squeeze back.Love...It doesn’t need sounds. It doesn’t need acknowledging. The soul feels its vibration.Ten minutes or so we held hands until it was our turn to go in. I helped her to her walker. She still held my hand not wanting to let go of its warmth.I didn’t want to let her go.But that would be my story, not hers.I learn from each touch. From each unspoken truth. From each in-depth stare. From the space between the gaps of spirit. From the light that embraces another.I dropped her back at her facility. She kissed me. Little words exchanged between us. But she knows. She knows that our short visits are real.It’s not my job. It’s not about a client. It’s about serving humanity with unconditional empathy and courageous compassion. And by, God, they show up in my path daily to teach me how to do that over and over whether it’s at a coffee shop, pumping gas, the supermarket, the bank, a public bathroom, everywhere....I am blessed. My heart is running over with that yummy feeling of oneness and connection.What more can we do to get back to basics? To the core of unity? To the purpose of our existence? To the oneness that is universal love? Can we do it together?