You Are Responsible

This morning I blew a breaker fuse in the second floor of the house turning on too many heaters. I was dressed to get to work early so I decided to go down to the basement and switch it back on for my lovies. In order to access our basement you have to walk out of the front door and around the house to the back. It was freezing...literally. I opened up the basement, turned on the lights, took care of the breaker and locked up. As I was locking up the basement something happened. I lost touch with this reality, or better yet, I had two sets of timelines overlap. I was seeing through a thin veil another active moment happening simultaneously. This is happening quite often, usually I am in meditation. This was me being quite present in the cold. It was quick. I stood there contemplating if maybe I was having a seizure or stroke...(cause I know it wasn't a psychotic break).The ethereal world is charged more than usual. It is happening continuously with alternate realities, endings and beginnings. There are many folks telling me they are losing lapses of time or moving through a time warp where they arrive to a place quicker than it is possible. Others have shared with me that they are accessing memories from an alternate time and they can see how things are affected through our conscious decisions. I am reading some fantastic occurrences that make me giddy and bring me into a state of childlike wonder. We are experiencing things that aren't easy to logically explain, including quantum leaps and multiverse travels, especially during waking moments. Are we awakening to a new earth or merely aligning with what is true? I don't really know. I don't have answers. I work in the mental health field so I see a lot of people who are touching upon things that aren't fragments of illnesses but openings to something that cannot be explained. Our society is also shifting perceptions to what is mystical and what is not. But who is to judge? Just because you don't experience it doesn't mean it doesn't exist!This is a magical time in the history of humanity. We are being authentic and honest regardless of opinions. We are declaring our worth while removing the price tags others have placed on us. We are opening up to the mystical parts of our journeys. It's beautiful to witness and experience. There is a massive conscious shift happening all over and some folks cannot deal with the consequences of what may happen if they relinquish control. Fear takes over.Your brain entertains what it has as a point of reference. If you haven't experienced something supernatural it cannot perceive it. In order to move past this programming and Matrix you have to be willing to witness things that have no concrete logic. You must return to childlike beliefs that anything and everything is possible. Denying yourself this is an injustice to your spiritual evolution. When you believe in the unseen you can begin to perceive it.In two weeks I will have reached the fourth year of my near-death experience. The next day at the hospital the neurologist came to speak with me. She shared the deadly truth of stress. She looked at me searching for answers to what happened to me and my body the prior day. She said, "You don't know what you don't know until you do." It was profound. I got it. We don't know what we don't know until we actually do and then it is our responsibility to stay aware and open to it. If we go back to sleep we will continue to die a mundane death without exploring our purpose.Create from a place of love and light. Move the programming out of the way. Return to your magic and sparkles. Continue to vibrate at a higher frequency without fear. You got this. We all do. This life is a game of perception geared to challenge your mindset. You get to decide how you play it. I believe in you.