Recognize Your Love

Do you want to have more love in your life? Really? If you think the love is OUT THERE you are not living with love. Look in the mirror...that's the purest form of love in your life. Love is staring back. DO NOT let another year come and go while waiting for the "great love of your life" to walk into your presence. Embrace the one in you. You are here for a purpose. You are here to create, embrace and give. If you are expecting someone else to do this for are missing out on your life's number one purpose.You are exquisite, beautifully designed, gorgeously detailed to the core...God don't make junk! You create the joy and love in you. Please feel it.I keep walking around places and I see others declaring their unworthiness, their unlovableness, and all their lack of ness. You are all there is. Your body is an outfit, a costume of sorts, it's not who you are. You are the BEing who resides in it waiting for the light of self awareness to sparkle and share.I wish you could see what I see in you. I wish for one second, even the homeless man sitting on the corner of a building wrapped in a broken blanket, would see that his greatness is inside waiting for HIM to call on his own loveness and oneness.Love is always always always the answer. I don't care what the question is...the answer will always be LOVE. Have a delightfully beautiful day. I LOVE YOU!!!!!