Counting Blessings

I was walking the beach today. This gentleman was walking towards me. I asked if I could take his picture. He’s from India. His language was a bit difficult but his lovely daughters began to translate.“May I take a picture of you? You are so lovely!” He smiled.“Yes, but you know that I’m old.”“I don’t discriminate against age. You are so handsome!” He was moved as his eyes watered.His daughters shared that they are from California. He is 92. And he told them recently he will die at 97. One daughter said, “Our father is very determined. If he says it will be at 97 he will die at 97!”We laughed. I held his hand. We shared several pictures. I hugged him tightly.Harbhagat Singh told me his name translates to God’s disciple. And today I needed to come across him.People are magnificent when they are seen but don’t expect to be recognized. They are delicious in moments of surprises as they are moving along life doing their thing. It is so magical to witness all these lives connected in one small world.He truly touched my heart with his dark eyes and smile. He was a math teacher and today he helped me count my blessings.