Beautiful Retreat

Another delicious retreat came and went in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. This one was personally a growing expansion for me. Transformational. It allowed me to visit a giant monster in a closet that needed extermination.Fifteen women shared space. We laughed. We cried. We heard intimate stories of hurt, shame, guilt and love. We had healing sessions, laughfests, cooked together, sang, and released intense energies.We played. We loved. We hugged. We fed our souls and bodies. We had some mystical encounters that need no logical explanations.The past can crawl in and out through the darkest places of our souls. We aren’t without sins. We are stitched together because of them. It’s important to understand that in groups we can accomplish much. In presence of love and acceptance we begin to shift awareness. Safe spaces full of love are created for these moments.Hospitality is not about entertaining. Hospitality is an attitude of opening up your life so others can come in and join. It is about allowing love and kindness to flow through that space of sharing and being in the present moment with others. And when this happens it is magical!I am blessed to have been in a sacredness of love and compassion. I have been blessed to witness no judgment or criticism for being raw and vulnerable. I am blessed for the love and support that grows from sharing. I love each and every one of these women.Thank you for allowing me to be in your lives. Wow! I’m entering this year with the most yummy feeling of freedom. Returning home was coming to a new place of peace and acceptance.