Magical Encounters

I had one of the most fascinating flights ever. I sat next to a lovely young woman. She had the window. I was in the middle and Matt in the aisle. Before the plane took off we began to exchange stories. We talked for five out of the six hours. I asked what she did for a living. She said she had 2,800 snakes. You are reading correctly. She studies snakes. Venomous ones. She was coming to the Amazon for two weeks to find them with a film crew. Then she was going to Machu Picchu.She’s like Dr. Dolittle. She’s an animal charmer and much more. She sure charmed me. She is a powerhouse but I don’t think she recognizes her magic. I sprinkled some fairy dust on her without her noticing. I feel after this trip to the jungle her life will change in extraordinary ways.So imagine Tinker Bell meeting the little kid from the Jungle Book talking about her zoo and animal farm! She has three alligators. She showed me pictures of her feeding them and how intelligent they are. I will save you the details. She has wild cats that are magnificent. She understands animal spirits deeper than people ones. Her face lit up with every story she told of her many bites, coma, experiences and challenges.When she was 15 years old she got bit by her first snake. Her body went into shock (and she gave me all the technical lingo of what happens). She was saved and became intrigued. That was the beginning of her journey. She made it her life’s purpose to study them. She says that what you fear pushes you to face those things otherwise you are paralyzed. Sort of like getting bit by a venomous snake. And only you can fix it. You hold the key.By three hours into the flight we had discussed mysticism, energy, magic, people, passion, purpose and so much more. It was mind blowing. She’s done lots of shows in relationship to incredible things. This is not really who she is. She is this multifaceted being that has been transplanted into our world and she’s finding how she can help others but doesn’t quite know how. Yet...So...we looked at that too.My sweet husband sat there reading a book the entire time. Every so often he would look up, make a comment and return to his novel. He was happy his wife was high on life.I was transformed. She has this zest for life that’s rare. Her passion for saving animals is the same one I have for telling stories. We talked about that...the things that make us come alive. The reason we are here. The forces that push us to do what we do.I fell in love in the sky. She is intelligent and stunning and full of energy that is rare. And, not so rare because we just want to be heard and understood. We want to know that we are not freaks. I got from her sharing that her life is not easy with people being intimidated by this strong and powerful spirit.I begged her to continue sharing her stories and explore how she can change the world. I asked her, while holding her hands in mine, to find more of life that others are fearful of exploring. Cause she’s not. She fears nothing.Oh, darlings, you just don’t know the magic of a divine appointment. Neither of us was suppose to sit together. At the last minute, when we got to the airport, Matt and I were switched. We were going to be sitting apart. She was suppose to be in another seat as well. But, the universe said, “It’s time! These three people need to meet. They need to connect!” And bang!!!! A new experience happened. Stay open to it all. It’s ahhhhmazing.