Among the Ruins

Journeys take us out of the comfort zone exploring the parts of us that rarely get addressed. I love traveling. Always have. If it’s not around the neighborhood then the next two cities over. Whatever it takes to evolve spiritually. I can pack a bag in less than five minutes. I don’t Just crave adventure. I create it. Meeting new people and hearing stories is my favorite of all things. I am forever enriched because of human stories. Why? Why the stories? Why do I tend to them? Because they connect us. They allow us to not feel alone. They push us to learn. They force us to look at things differently. They also heal us and make us whole for humanity’s sake. Something happened as I was trekking up a sacred ruin near Machu Picchu. I felt it all. I was getting out of breath, sweating and aching. I stood among hundreds of folks and recognized myself in all of it. In all of them. The wind picked up, my husband asked me to stop and take a deep breath before continuing. I wasn’t planning on continuing so quickly. I needed to inhale the land. I needed to take in the landscape. I had a group of older folks in front of me who complained all the way up. I admire their determination but I could do without the theatrics. So I stood to the side in one of the grass terraces, closed my eyes and allowed for ancestral spirits of the land to kiss me. I allowed the noises to disappear. I felt the intensity of magic and wonder. I was home. The only other place I’ve ever felt this was in Ireland. This Sacred Valley is filled with myths and theories. The Incas were superstitious and truly advanced in nature. It was a civilization that has inspired the world. They were led by astronomy. I have read stories. I have watched documentaries. But nothing compares to being in the land, grounding energies all around me. “We’ve been here, babe!” I whispered to Matt. “I have been in this place staring at the night sky many civilizations ago. We’ve been here together....” He remembered a past life regression I shared several years ago and there I was standing in the place. There I was being charged by every rock and stone. It took all of me not to cry. It was as if my soul opened up and poured nostalgia in every gust of wind. My husband isn’t shocked by anything I say. He might not understand it but he doesn’t judge my knowing. It’s in that acceptance that I can be the person today and all the lifetimes before me without censoring a single moment. He signed up for this. The woo-woo and all. I urge you to travel... anywhere. It doesn’t have to be this far. It can be a town away or another state. But, I ask that you go and explore those things that your soul craves because your spirit has a way of returning to old stomping grounds. When you get there you will know. All the stories will make sense. You will begin to feel compassion for life. You will understand the yearnings and dreams. You will understand who you are and what you need to know. I promise! Explore and evolve. We are truly more connected than you can see or sense.