Sacred Sharing

I met a Brazilian young woman on our tour of Machu Picchu. She had the tattoo in picture. I told her I loved it. I asked if she was finally free. She pulled me out of the line and shared her story.She needed to say it out loud.She has been traveling for 10 months through South America. I asked her how her spiritual quest was going? She teared up and hugged me, answering that question in an intimate level of vulnerability. She said that not many people understand what she’s doing (or the tattoo). She feels judged. I told her that judgment was people’s way of dealing with fear of what they don’t know. Her Spanish was pretty good and she said that it’s been the months of traveling. And...she continued with her story while holding my hand in joy for being understood.There we were, two strangers climbing the sacred space unraveling in the mysteries of spirit. All she needed was to be heard. She is looking for purpose. Aren’t we all? What a gift to find such emotional stories on a magical place. Cheers to Shelley and her journey ahead!