Be Proud of You

My darlings, be proud of who you are. Accept and embrace your flaws, wrinkles, curves, cellulite, and bodacious-ness. Each part of your body is a reflection and projection of your inner-ness and wisdom. I had someone make a comment a few days ago about my weight..that now that I've lost some I look better. I laughed because I guess with extra weight I don't look well (I must look like shit)...but I am still me. The me inside doesn't change with the weight. I have been up and down the spectrum of heavy to thin to heavy again. I am still who I am regardless of my exterior. I have lived a life in my younger years worrying so much about the size I was wearing in a society that was constantly judging me based on the number on the scale. And for what? I am flawless in my mission to love, not just others, but especially myself as I am today. I am healthy. What do I care if I have to get new jeans today and tomorrow give them away?God don't make no junk!You cannot live a life dieting and full of self-loathing. No make-up in the world will make you perfect. The mask eventually has to come off. Love yourself. Because when you do another will align with your worth. If you want to enhance your beauty, go ahead but be happy with the overall parts of you. Allow those parts of you to show you who and what needs learning. We are each others' reflections and it's not fair to anyone that we are living based on being small, medium, or large. It's insane!Each dimple in my body is there as a reminder of something powerful. Every scar on my breasts has taught me that I've survived powerful lessons...that I've overcome some incredible challenges. Each thought from my rape continues to inspire me to be more loving with those parts of me that used to feel ugly and disgusting. Every thought, movement, and freckle is an endless composition of what's behind me and all the elements that are still ahead to finish a work of art with my name on it. I am a composition in the making until the day I die. I don't want anyone remembering me for my beauty. F*#k that! I want them to say, "That woman cracked me up and lifted me in moments of darkness." I am not gonna be remembered for my weight, and neither are you. Superficial behaviors are lower vibrational issues and I refuse to live in that realm.I can promise you from working with elderly folks that they don't remember what size they were...they don't care. They remember their first dance, their child's birth, the first kiss, and everything that is meaningful...not that they went from a size 4 to a size 14. That's so irrelevant when you are near death.I can no longer hate a wrinkle because I have laughed, cried, rejoiced, and suffered with the awareness that each path has brought me here. I am a mother. I am a lover. I am a wife. I am a daughter. I am a sister. I am a friend. I am a student. I am so many labels and, yet, I am none of that but the essence of Oneness. So, sweethearts, no more comparing yourself to the pages of photo shopped ads, or celebrities who sensationalize something that is completely superficial. You have the power to shift and create your awareness. Do it! No more self-hate. No more comparing yourself to the exterior of others. What are we showing our daughters, nieces, sisters, and young friends? We must elevate consciousness and move beyond all of this. It starts with you, me and them. You are precious, priceless and perfect just as you are.The magic in your life starts the moment you accept you. All of you. And in that moment others begin to witness an extraordinary light that is love. ~m.a.p.