Sharing Yourself

Someone recently asked me if I was ever afraid of sharing too much. I asked her to repeat the question. I actually didn’t understand it. “Sharing too much...being afraid of THAT? The sharing?”She said, “Yes. People are scary. They use your stuff. They judge....” She had a list compiled of the fears and how she would be hurt. I’m not afraid of sharing. I’m actually afraid of living a life without truly sharing, or holding back. I’m afraid of not saying the things I feel that might make a difference to me and another. I’m afraid of letting someone believe they are alone in their sorrow. I’m afraid of others who don’t say what they mean and hurt deeply because of it. But, I am not afraid of my vulnerability. This is what holds my heart in its place. My openness is a superpower to myself. I have learned to properly (and sometimes without filter) overcome adversities because of it. We fear the things we don’t understand. We fear what we can’t perceive or process from our own experiences. I, for one, tend to withdraw from someone who has hurt me and shut down. I won’t communicate. When I’m done, I am done. But, sweethearts, don’t be afraid to share from your heart...ever. Those who can’t handle it don’t deserve you. It’s truly a gift in weening out the ones who don’t align with you.Your presence in this world is the gift of you. Do not allow fear to stump your light or your love. Be mindful. Give. Share. Love openly and wholeheartedly. You will know who is worth your time or not. ~m.a.p.