Your Freedom to be You

I have come to a place in life that is quite different than any other time before this. I have become ultra sensitive to my own yearnings and feelings. I have begun (finally) to honor those things that are uncomfortable and those that bring me to a higher space of ecstatic joy.Who knew this evolution could be so potent and magical!I used to walk on eggshells. I was constantly worrying about how others would see me (in person or through my writing). I would sensor things in order not to hurt anyone’s feelings. That was NOT fair to my spirit. I would question my messages and stories. I was keeping me hostage on many levels.I learned a powerful lesson: I am only responsible for what I say, not how others interpret my words.Why should I censor everything because it is being personalized? I don’t attack anyone in my writing or in person. I don't ask anyone to read my blog or my postings. I rarely mention anything about religious groups, political agendas, world news or any gray matter that can cause friction. I realize you cannot make every person happy.I became free to be me. Once I was able to let go of how others saw me I could be authentic. In my case, it’s through writing. In your life it might be singing, coaching, playing a sport, yoga, or whatever. The moment you no longer worry how others see you your soul elevates to a higher frequency. This human business is hard enough without giving others power over your passions. So STOP! Do what you feel like doing in however shape that shows up! You’ve got this, darling!!!