What I Offer

What can I offer you? What can I say that you have not heard from others? How will my words make a difference?It’s frequency. It’s in the knowing that I am holding space when we meet or talk. It’s in feeling my love without judgment. It’s in reaching out to me and me returning the gift of you with extra sparkles.I am you. We are mirrors. That’s all. I spent a large part of my life believing I was pretty invisible. I had nothing really to say that mattered. What could I possibly offer anyone?Now that’s shifted. The old programming has melted with lots and lots of release. I had to work out my kinks and beliefs of worthlessness. I had to love me.So...I offer me. I offer vulnerability, the essence of understanding, and the ability to love fully. I offer you empathy and acceptance regardless of what the world has told you that you are NOT.I used to be that way too. I can promise you that you are magnificent. You are a masterpiece. You are here to learn and teach and love fully.So what can I offer you?A sparkly giddy reflection of you! I see you. I feel you. I am connected to you. I offer you love. And, darling, you are freaking yummilicious. ~m.a.p.