The Unfolding

My life has been unfolding lately in ways I never imagined. I am meeting like-minded individuals who are energetically pushing me to be more of me than any other time in my life. I am leaving the safety of my comfort zone and truly reinventing a new self. That's not the right word: "reinventing." It suggests that I have not been me all along. I am "recharging and reconnecting" to parts of me I had forgotten. And, this is magical in ways I had only dreamed of when I create space for manifesting the life I desire. I'm meeting empowering souls who cheer me on and expect nothing from me but to just share space. I love this!When I let go of old patterns I began to make space for this. When I forgave myself and others, I began to create a path to get here. It didn't happen overnight. It started in the summer of 2015. I had to really recognize how I consciously played a role of the "fixer and caretaker" in so many lives. I had to stop and remove that label. It's great to help others, but in the process I wasn't helping me. I wasn't happy. I was quite annoyed, hurt and deeply unsatisfied with how things were playing out. I accepted how I enabled many folks around me by constantly mothering them. They had their own journey to travel and they needed to do it without me. Now, as a woman who loves to love wholeheartedly this isn't an easy task. I let go. I struggled with not fixing the alcoholics, the drama, and all others who (I felt) needed to be loved. I had to, for once, shut it down and concentrate on me healing myself.Loving someone doesn't require that you stop loving yourself. Loving someone doesn't give you the right to stop their growth. When we love it is whole. You begin to accept all the crap that those around you embody because that's part of their spiritual growth. You begin to not take this personally. I let go. In the process I lost many friends and family members. The year 2016 was one of the most challenging years of my grown-up life. But, guess what? I learned powerful lessons and released the old programming of people pleasing. Now, two years later, I have made sacred space for those who are in alignment with my soul. I have allowed new energy that doesn't require me fixing or saving. I am able to be me without apologizing or trying to mold to the masses.You are a magnet to all that you have around you. If you don't like how things are appearing in your life, please step back and make some radical changes. It doesn't have to be as drastic as walking away from it all in one shot. Or it might just have to be...I don't know! I did that too several times in the past. But, I can promise you that by taking responsibility for your choices and actions you are allowing Divinity to create a new adventure for you. Listen to your soul. If drama is constant in your life...shut the damn play down. QUIT the production. You can create a new play and recruit new actors. Your life is yours to create to the highest form of love.