
 TranquilitySomething happened as of late...I hit an emotional and spiritual wall which affected my physical health. I felt it and I disregarded it. I have gotten better at detecting these moments, but I still ignored it. I woke a few days ago in a panic...exhausted to the bone and with an unwillingness to move. I couldn't meditate (and this is huge for me). I recognized it then.

The knowing.
The guidance.
The red flag.
I listened and took it seriously. I am too old to ignore this. In the past it would cause me to end up in the hospital.
I kept hearing for weeks that I was "off" somehow. I felt it as well. So, I have moved into the mysteries and investigation of finding out what is "off" with me. Mary Poppins has vacated the premises. The PollyAnna sweetheart is MIA. It's not that I'm short or nasty. It's not that I'm unhappy. But, my frequency has shifted and I am tired. I cannot entertain one single thing.
I need a break from the world.
This week I've cancelled all appointments other than going to work. I cannot do anything else afterwards. I have been at this go-go-go schedule for months now. I have to take inventory of my spiritual guidance and emotional necessities.
There is such a thing as doing too much. There are repercussions for those actions. I refuse to bulldoze over my soul's needs for one more week, one more day, or one more hour. It's yelling for attention!
I listen. I am listening.
It's in this magical space of detachment that I find the answers. It's in the afternoons before my husband and child arrive that I can clear my energy and find bliss in sitting outside, listening to the birds...or going into my meditation room and sitting in quietude.
I need my time to create my own magic.
We all need space for recharging. We need sacredness. We need reflecting and allowing for answers to visit. We also need to crumble down the things inside that are asking for egotistical answers. The past calls, but you do not have to answer!
May you have a peaceful week! May you enjoy your time alone, or with others, but remember to honor your spirit. Go play. Go be in joy. You need it. We all do.
I love you...~m.a.p.