Living through Optimism

I think through positive outlooks. When I write something that, to me, seems pretty uplifting and a person comments with something negative (or a totally different perspective) I am reminded of how expansive our minds truly are. I would never ever see it that way...their way. But, I totally respect it. I understand it’s based on their experiences. My mouth drops and I am aware of the differences in our lives. There is no such thing as "one size fits all" perception. There will always be a million ways to look at things. That is diversity! This is also the reason I stay away from topics such as religion and politics on social media. The things I am most passionate about I share with my tribe in private. I don't put my dirty laundry out to hang in front of others. I have learned that the best way to teach positivity is to live it. The best way to lift others is by lifting myself. The best medicine for the world is to laughter. And, the best solution to expose the dark forces is to bring them to light. I share with you because I believe that vulnerability is the connection we need in our world in order to not feel alone. So...yes optimism isn't lazy. It is courageously yummy. Optimism serves humanity by lifting and healing through a higher frequency. That frequency is always LOVE.