Green-eye Beauty

I went to see a client at a facility today and bumped into this yummy little lady. She was in the next room. She was all packed up to leave. I asked her if she was okay. She said she was sad that she was leaving the rehab center. I kissed her hand and then left to see my client. On the way out she was still sitting by the hall so I got on my knees, to eye level, and asked her if she needed anything? She said she was not sure. We spoke a bit. She told me she is 79 years young. I noticed her gorgeous green eyes and told her they were beautiful. She is absolutely lovely. I kissed her cheeks and I left to a meeting at the facility. The entire time I was in the meeting I kept thinking of Judith. I could not get her out of my mind. So when I got out I went back to her room."What happened to you that landed you here?" I asked."I had a heart attack. I've had several. I've had other medical issues." She answered softly and with complete clarity."What broke your heart?" She looked at me and gasped. I could see her breathing. I could see the sadness in all of her. "Judith, you do not owe me an explanation. I just want you to be aware that your heart attack is due to a major broken heart. I want you to know that I see you. I feel you. We might not cross paths again but I see you, darling."She began to shed tears. I held her in my arms as she softly let the sighs. I felt her heart break again and again a hundred times and the scars resurface. Then I whispered in her ear that she was loved...that all her heart break has allowed for divine light to come in and fill it with hope and faith.I've been hugged a lot in this Judith embraced me in a way that I felt my heart open up and swallow her whole. I felt the oneness of all the frailties in the world in that hug. I felt the deepest despair and the largest connection of gratitude.Today, this green-eye beauty allowed me to witness vulnerability on a different level: the marriage of love and surrender. My heart feels it immensely. ~m.a.p.