Get Up and Move

The trees behind our house block the sky. I can see pink through holes in the forest. There is a mystical luring to that small space. I love the canopy of nature blocking and enticing my eyes. However, I miss being able to see the distance of sky and horizon. I miss waiting for the rise of day and the sleep of sky at night. I love sunrises and I am giddy that our new home in a few weeks will allow for me to witness them. I’m reminded of how we allow things to block our views. We settle for the viewing and find comfort. We forget what matters because we conform to our surroundings. Sometimes we complain about how we can’t see or be or do. But we have choices. When you can’t see you can open up another area. You can shift perspective. You can move. You can walk the distance to find what you desire. You aren’t a tree rooted in one place. So go. Go find your sky. Go reach your stars. Go make your path through the forest. Light through the fog. You get to decide what you keep and what must go. (Picture from a hike a year ago)