Love Because

Every so often I get a message from a stranger asking for advice on their children. I answer simply with “I am sorry. I don’t know your sweet child. I cannot help you.” Then I suggest that they check out a nearby therapist or doctor. The reality is that I am not a license therapist and cannot evaluate anyone, especially children. Now, if you want to know about fairies or theories on the multiverse and parallel dimensions, I’m your girl. If you want to laugh and hear me go off on some quantum tangent about how we are here but in other places...I am your girl. I can talk about consciousness all day, every day. I can offer you empathy through your sorrow. I can hold sacred space for you. But, I’m not a child psychologist. I have experience in mental disorders from my own perspective of raising several children with challenges. That doesn’t make me an expert. And every child is unique. So, if I come across as some kind of mother expert for raising children please note that I am not. Believe me when I tell you that I am clueless. Even after eight kids I am still making my way through infinite lessons...often times pulling my hair and cursing in my inner voice. I am here for you if you need a shoulder. I am no expert at absolutely nothing but loving you.!**I don't know who wrote the beautiful quote. It's absolutely yummy.