Sacred Journey Inward

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Bless the World

A few years ago for Christmas a dear friend gifted me an amazing book by Mark Nepo: 'The Book of Awakening.' It's a daily meditation guide. The pages are worn and marked. The book now looks like it's been put through a dryer. Every time I pick it up I find something else that I've missed the last five years. Words have a way of popping out just when they need to be acknowledged."There are many reasons to be kind, but perhaps none is as compelling as the spiritual fact that it is what we do. It is how the inner organ of being keeps pumping. Spiders sting. Wolves howl. Ants build small hills that no one sees. And human beings lift each other, no matter the consequences. Even when other beings sting."Have we forgotten in these present times of "what we do?" Have we lost our way to understand that we are all on different spiritual paths and forms of evolving? Have we deviated from truth because of ideas, convictions and beliefs without once remembering that we must be kind to each other in order to make any form of transformation?The hardest part of being an empath, or sensitive person, is the constant bombardment of others' emotions. Even when I am not partaking in their issues, I feel the energy deep in the core of me. I am made to be kind. You are made for kindness. We cannot deviate from our authenticity. This is who we are. We learn how not to be kind, consciously or unintentionally... because we are born with love and kindness in our cells. That's the starting point to each of us. That's who we are. That's what we come here to express to others. That is the web and fabric of our Unity.Let's try to return to THAT. Let's...please...because the alternative really really really sucks! Tonight I am sending prayers to several folks really struggling in so many ways. I want to truly be present with them in spirit, in love, and in kindness.I love you.