Letting Go of the Old

Oh darlings! People can only meet you at the level of their awareness and perception. It goes for everything: religion, politics, love...whatever. You cannot impose your beliefs onto anyone. If they’ve never experienced what you have experienced they may not understand empathy. If they’ve never walked through your fires they cannot understand the scars and burns from the struggles.It’s okay. I promise. You don’t have to force anything on them. The beauty of this life is that we choose to learn from diversities...or not at all.But, you can always always always stay in a higher vibration. You don’t have to point out flaws or insult to make a point. You don’t have to degrade or run someone’s name through the dirt. You go on. Ego is a nasty bitch with hidden agendas.I’ve learned that those who care will see your character by how you respond or react to any given event and situation. By reacting to something that you don’t agree on you are showing exactly what they want you to show...your ass in the most unflattering of lights.A disgruntled person will go through every possible avenue to prove their ego’s righteousness. That’s what the “personality” always wants. It wants to be acknowledged and cheered on.Let it go. Send love to those who hurt you. You have got to move on or the drama will continue to show up.Love. Love yourself enough to move past the hurt and allow others to keep going. Fill your light with integrity and humility. It’s lovely.