How your story ends...
I don’t have an answer to what you are suppose to do tomorrow. Or what your purpose could be. I ask that you follow the yearning...your soul’s most fierce desire. It might take one day. It might take forty years. Perhaps there are things you have to learn before getting to that moment.I don’t know. I really haven’t a clue!You have the answers. We always know. We just have to listen to our own guidance instead of everyone else.So start with your desire. Follow through with your imagination. Let the universe align to it all. You aren’t meant to be here to struggle like this. We aren’t put here for that.Make sure you are allowing positive thoughts to dictate your days. This shi(f)t isn’t always easy. But it is YOUR story and what you do with it.You are magic. Start acting like it. Now get out there and raise your vibration to LOVE. That’s where it begins and ends.