Be Kind

Be kind to each other. If you are out there amongst others show compassion. Whether you wear a mask, an armor and a shield…or not at all… please be kind. Humanity seems to be losing its grip to what really matters. You matter. I matter. We all matter. Have we not learn a single lesson the last few months?

I went to get a few things at a store and the cashier was almost in tears. I thanked her for all she’s doing. She said she didn’t know how much more she could handle. People are vicious at times. And I stood on the other side of the plexiglass unable to touch her, hug her and assure her that it will get easier.

It might not. It might require that we truly experience a deeper awakening. I don’t know. My words were empty. It’s odd. It doesn’t feel like there is humanness in my syllables. My tone doesn’t do justice to how my heart feels.

We will get through this not just by social distancing but by generously allowing each other kindness, empathy, love, no judgment and profound understanding of how connected we are. Let’s not have prickly hearts that don’t feel. Let’s remember that even without touch we can still connect by looking into each other’s souls. There we will find truth.