Allowing Everyone To Be Themselves

When I began to write on social media I recognized quickly I would be neutral. I rarely discuss politics, religion, and my personal relationship with those close to me. I will touch lightly on those things in a way to share a message but I won’t go into argumentative sharing.Why?Because that energy is not who I am. I won’t entertain harshness. It has nothing to do with not honoring our duality of dark and light. It has to do with how I choose to stay in a higher vibrational space. I am not blinded by some fairy sparkling light that doesn’t allow me to see the hate and darkness in the world. Believe me I have experienced lots of life.

I am the most imperfect person I know. I am real. And I am vulnerable and raw. If something hits me I will keep scrolling. I can love you from here and not desire to sit there and argue with your personal perspective. We are all coming from our own level of awareness.I will continue to come from a place of peace. I learn a lot on social media about our society and the state of our world. All you have to do is read and recognize the division.I’ve said it before and I will say it again since I got a message from someone who didn’t like what I posted from a positive perspective: this is my page. I will continue to show up through love. It’s how I live my life. I’m not here to impress anyone. I am here sharing my muses like kisses from an old friend.I am not interested in getting into some conflicting debate about beliefs. I want to see you and your heart; how you treat others when you don’t agree with them; how you call yourself a compassionate and spiritual soul and truly love as such. I am here to feel inspired by you. I am here to just love even if we don’t agree. I can see past that.This is our humanness. I love all aspects of it: the messy and the clean.Your theories and beliefs are yours. I love you for taking your perspective and sharing it with others just like I do. But, please respect mine. Do not send me messages condemning me for “trying to be a bullshit love goddess.” (Had this person called me a “bullshit love fairy” I might have been a little insulted). I sent this person a sweet love letter asking if we could talk and maybe learn more about each other. Obviously I needed it. I wanted to feel this person’s spirit. But, I was then blocked.Keep scrolling. Unfriend me. But I get to choose what I post and how I show up here. I love... with some inappropriate humor... but I love. That’s how I roll!