Trust through love

Trust is an emotional mechanism that was placed in our DNA when we began creation. The collective and society, through fear and other low vibrational frequencies, have caused it to downgrade. We question it. We don’t use it as we should. There is a default programming in its place. So we no longer just trust. We struggle with it. We have been shown over and over that it isn’t a means to survive. We don’t trust or allow for intuition to guide us. 

When we return to our origins, through love, Trust will be the first input to be upgraded again. It is still in our DNA. It’s been muted. It’s been centuries of misuse and abuse. It is about to return as our guidance. Soon! We are being awakened slowly. This year has catapult us to truly take notice. It was designed to be right now in this time. 

Humanity needed to experience all that it has endured. We are a stubborn race. We have more followers than leaders. And the leaders have guided through manipulation of fear and repression. They know how to play their parts. The followers have also played their role. The imbalance is soon to tip the scales. 

Trust will return with soul expansion and excavation. It will be intuitively available to guide us again. It is our internal GPS. Those who are ready will begin to feel it in their solar plexus and use it to create a new world in our reality. You are experiencing the massive amount of energy at this time. Many will not question what the masses are leading. And, in this trust, we will once again become whole as one. There will be millions not ready to awake or take on the new challenges ahead.  It’s not your job to provide a push or pull for them. Those are their lessons and contracts before coming into this incarnation. Your only job is to love and show love through your own journey. People don’t learn through words. They evolve through their own experiences. They see and imitate what feels good. They act and react according to what they understand. 

Don’t judge. Don’t manipulate. Don’t enforce your beliefs. Don’t attack. Don’t hate. Don’t do anything to force another to think as you do. 

Love over and over. Love is  the key that opens all the unlocked passages in humanity. Forgiveness heals through love. Trust opens because of love. We change and grow because of love. When in doubt just love. Accept it as the answer to all there is and all there ever was. 

I love you. My guides were kind enough to slowly provide this last night. Take what resonates through love. I am ready and giddy for what will be a transformative time in humanity. 💜

~Millie America 

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