Moving Through Cycles

We move through cycles of what was and what is. And, somewhere in between lies the illusion that these things make us whole and become our stories. Your story might be raw and full of pain, or it might consist of happiness and delightful moments. You have been embraced by love and lovers (past and present), but in the end it is this very second that glues us together. You have lost a loved one to death or just the ending of a relationship and it hurts like hell but you are still here surfing the ebb of deep waters.

This is Sacred Presence.

This is part of expansion.

This is a raw and vulnerable ability to stay here and share while connecting to another by saying, “I am here for you. You are not alone. I understand. I have experienced something similar. Or, I haven’t and it is beautiful how you are moving with grace, strength and faith.”

Yes, these are the moments that make us whole through the veil of life. These are the days that move through us in the subconscious with changes and growth. We don’t know it but there’s a shift inside. This new year is one full of growth and adventure. You have been tested for so long that you have forgotten what it is to just be in sacred presence.

My words for this year are “ease and flow.” My life is shifting and I have no desire to make anything difficult. I am also done with any kind of struggle. I get to choose how I show up and what I entertain.

Sometimes we can’t look back and know when things changed or when we gave up but they are there. Today I am making changes to a new opportunity to find joy in the little things. These non-judgmental days of self awareness are huge mile markers.

Today... Tomorrow... Every single morning is an opportunity for me to expand my heart and consciousness.

Are you ready as well?

Keep searching for your truth. It isn’t always pretty or perfect or without some hurt, but it is your truth. These are the things that have created your humanness to continue expanding in our world. The conscious shift in knowing and acceptance is evolving within you always. And how MARVELOUS you are, darling! Go be all that greatness you are meant to be!!!! Together we make some yummy magic.

I love you.


**If you are interested in a session please reach out. I will continue to run the holiday special for another month at $77 since I’m still getting inquiries. or text 828-707-8897.

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